Well, I thought that all of this craze about Obama's birth certificate would be finished and over by now, but it just keeps coming back.
Today a soldier has filed for conscientious objectors status because he claims that Obama was not born in the US. ( http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/news/story/776335.html )
Before we go further, let me clarify how this captain sees things, and some history..
First, I believe that President Obama is a citizen of the United States -- that is not even in question here. Secondly, I do not believe that the Certification of Live Birth that has been presented on the Internet by his campaign was forged. If someone would like me to go into more detail (I was vetting this in a previous post), I can.
Actually, there is the primary issue -- we have been shown a Certification of Live Birth, sometimes called a "short form" birth certificate. This is essentially a computer-generated report from a database that is laser-printed onto some fancy certificate stock and then stamped, signed and sealed by the clerk that the state is happy to charge a premium price for.
This short form is not really accepted for a lot of items, such as a US Passport, etc. Even the State of Hawaii may not accept it as a proof that someone was born in Hawaii.
And here is where people are still having problems -- this is the easiest thing to clear up, and yet everyone meets resistance. If someone has nothing to hide, why is such an effort made to hide it?
Now, apparently, the current hospital that is espoused as President Obama's birth hospital has been using a forged white house letter for fundraising purposed. (This and more at http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=103898 )
I really wish I could just sail these seas and not keep being drawn back into this berth, but it just does not seem to go away. And for those who are asking "what difference does it make?" it is simple -- if President Obama is not a "Natural Born" citizen as designated by the Constitution, then he is in office in violation of the very document that he has sworn to uphold and protect. Think about the moral ramifications of that for a moment. This would indicate in a clear-cut manor a blatant disregard for the Constitution and the foundation of this county and may indicate an attempt to undermine it. That provision is in the Constitution for a reason -- to protect against foreign interests attempting to gain control of the country.
In the mean time, we will have to settle for our government simply seizing our financial interests and selling them to China and Italy.
My thoughts exactly Matt... More information is always developing.
I just wish he would release the long-form certificate, then it would just clear up this mess.
What I have learned since I posted this is that Hawaii allows registration of certificates of individuals born elsewhere, among other ways of registering a local certificate. Any of these can have a "Certification of Live Birth" document generated for them from the database. This may also explain the difference in wording on the document of "Date Filed By Registrar" and "Date Certified By State Registrar" as is found on other Hawaiian certifications.
Apparently the first wording only requires only for it to be filed with the local registrar, and the accompanying documentation not certified by the state registrar -- but I haven't been able to confirm that yet.
I just find this whole thing fascinating for some reason. I guess the same reason people stare and auto accidents.
Actually, my sigh was referring to the fact that you're still stuck on this thing. I think it's good for citizens to question their government and all, but I don't really see the benefit to spending so much energy on this. Do you suspect conspiracy, or just that a technicality my have been breached? Do you suspect that Obama is really a loyal citizen of another country with covert plans of Ill will for the United States? Or just an American who happened to be born on foreign soil and so violates a technicality of the law? I mean, is there any question as to whether or not he lived in Hawaii since his early childhood?
Also, do you suspect that he wasn't born in the US and knows it, or doesn't know it?
I'm just wondering what the benefit is. Sometimes people who can't stop staring at accidents cause more accidents and slow up traffic.
I don't see much benefit myself - other than it is fun.
I don't really suspect anything specific, other than something is being hidden from the public. I have no guess as to what that might be.
As for a technicality of the law, there is a very good reason why they specifically used the phrase "Natural Born Citizen" in the Constitution. According to some legal opinions, that actually requires both parents to be citizens for one to be a Natural Born Citizen -- which would basically disqualify our current president on that point alone.
There is so much happening in such a short amount of time. This is one of the few subjects I have any expertise in in any way as a lot of the "arguments" have been about the images posted on-line of the certification. Something not quite right there either, but I can't put my finger on it -- one of those strong gut feelings that those who have worked with me in the past will tell you is usually right.
Personally there are bigger, more interesting issues to blog about, but to sit down and right out one of those takes a bit of time. Not sure who would spend the time to read them either -- they will probably be more of an essay.
Yeah, I understand. It's fun to focus on one topic and be able to get your head completely around it and actually have time to post about it now and then. Most issues are too big for one person to tackle who doesn't have 18 hours a day to work on it. Plus, this one feels like an actual mystery, with visual clues to check up on and what not.
I just think that, unless there is a possibility that Obama didn't come to the states until he was at least six or seven years old, then no big deal.
I suspect that he probably has no other birth certificate, and that even if he was born somewhere else, he doesn't know it. But who knows.
The US should probably further clarify the "Natural Born Citizen" phrase, so that there isn't any confusion in the future.
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