Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Locked out

Since I am here locked out of my car, I might as well post! Yes, I locked myself out. Still can not believe I did that, but it happens to all of us.

I have decided to just post about what is on my mind from now on. Simply post my experiences And what I am thinking. I realized that no one is perfect and my posts do not need to be either. Even when I put a lot of time into them, they do not turn kit much better than otherwise. Now is the time for all good men to rise to the aid of their country - not sit on the sidelines pondering how exactly to word something and not offend people. Life is too short for that.

It seems that people put pressure on others when they think people might be offended. This seems to me to be more ridiculous every day. The only purpose this serves is to lock up the dialog; to lock out ideas. Ingenious, really. Make certain topic areas so taboo to talk about that you can push your viewpoint in it's absence. Even more than that, you end up with others preventing the dialog without them even realizing what they are doing - just put it in the name of sensitivity or preventing hate.

Here is a better idea: let people talk. The first amendment to the US Constitution was designed to do just that - encourage dialog and prevent viewpoints from being locked out. It is no accident that the freedoms of speech, press, and religion are put together in the same amendment. This is not three seperate "rights", but one basic one - the right to express ones views and beliefs in spoken and print forms.

I am going to continue in that great tradition - just in an electronic form. Otherwise, if we to let the pressure prevail, this county is going to need a good locksmith.

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